Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Most Top 10 Reading Quotes - Joel Osteen

1.Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life.

2.When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance.

3.You can change your world by changing your words... Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.

4.Do all you can to make your dreams come true.

5.Why don’t you start believing that no matter what you have or haven’t done, that your best days are still out in front of you.

6.Faith activates God - Fear activates the Enemy.

7.I made a decision when my father passed away that I was going to be who God made me to be and not try to preach like my father.

8.I have always believed in God.

9.God wants us to prosper financially, to have plenty of money, to fulfill the destiny He has laid out for us.

10.God didn't make a mistake when He made you. You need to see yourself as God sees you.

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