Saturday, March 10, 2018

You Are Who God Says You Are

Romans 4 says to "call the things that are not as though they were." That simply means that you shouldn't talk about the way you are. Talk about the way you want to be. If you're struggling in your finances, don't go around saying, "Oh, man, business is so slow. The economy is so down. It's never going to work out." That's calling the things that are as if they will always be that way. That's just describing the situation. By faith you have to say, "I am blessed. I am successful. I am surrounded by God's favor." 

I asked a young man recently how he was doing in high school. He said, "I'm doing Okay. I'm Just a C student." Come to find out, when he was back in elementary school, one of his teachers told him he was a C student, and he let that seed take root and bloom. I told him what I'm telling you. As long as you're saying, "I am a C student," you're not going to become an A student. You're calling in the C's, and those C's will come find you wherever you go. If you're not careful, you'll make a C in homeroom, a C in lunch, and a C in PE. Change the "I am." "I am an A student. I am smart. I am full of wisdom. I am a good learner. I am excellent." 

Have you allowed what somebody -a coach, a teacher, a parent, an ex-spouse  -said about you to hold you back? They've planted negative seeds of what you cannot do. " You're not smart enough. You're not attractive enough. You'll always make C's. You'll always be mediocre. you'll always struggle with your weight." Get rid of those lies! That is not who you are. You are who God says you are.
People may have tried to push you down and tell  you who or what you can't become. Let that go in one ear and out the other ear. What somebody said about you doesn't determine your destiny: God does. You need to know not only who you are but also who you are not. In other words, "I am not who people say I am. I am who God says I am . I am not the tail, I am the head. I am not a borrower, I am a lender. I am not  recused; I am blessed." 

As was true in this young man's life, somebody may have spoken negative words to you when you were young. But know this: Before anyone could put a curse on you, God put a blessing on you. Before you were formed in your mother's womb, God knew you , and He approved you. When God made you, He stepped back and said, "I like that. That was good. Another masterpiece!" her stamped His approval on you. Other people may try to disapprove of you Don't go around feeling less than, feeling inferior. Our attitude should be: I am approved by Almighty God I am accepted. I am a masterpiece. When you talk like that, the seeds of greatness God has placed inside will begin to spring forth. Amen!

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