Saturday, December 22, 2018

Joel Osteen - The Promise is Coming - sermon New 2018

In this message, Joel encourages you not to give up on the promises that God put in your heart. During seasons of discouragement, when you are tempted to try to manipulate or force God’s promise, choose to remain in faith. Nothing that you have done has disqualified you from receiving God’s promise—His mercy is greater than any mistake.

God’s timing is always strategic. If you haven’t yet received what God has promised, know that He hasn’t forgotten about you and He hasn’t abandoned you. He is positioning you to receive the God-sized promise that is often even greater that what you have asked for. Even if you find yourself outside of God’s timing, He is merciful to re-align us with His plan the moment we ask. Remain steadfast in faith as God works behind the scenes.

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