Thursday, July 2, 2020

12 Best Inspirational Joel Osteen Quotes on Success 2020

In The Following are popular Joel Osteen quotes and sayings with beautiful images. We’ve compiled a list of the best 110 quotes on life, happiness, positive thinking, being strong and more.

1. “Don’t worry about your future or how you’re going to accomplish a dream. God has already lined up what you need.”

2. “When the negative thoughts come – and they will; they come to all of us – it’s not enough to just not dwell on it… You’ve got to replace it with a positive thought.”

3. “You are strong, blessed, healthy, redeemed. You are God’s masterpiece.”

4. “Too often we get frustrated by difficulties. But you have to realize, you can’t have a harvest without a few weeds.”

5. “God wants to bless you in such a way that people notice. He wants to show out in your life.”

6. “You can’t have a blessed day thinking about who offended you and what didn’t work out. Think on the positive things.”

7. “It takes determination to see a dream come to pass. The question is not will you start, but will you finish.”

8. “Time spent worrying drains your energy – it makes you weaker. You were created to live a peace-filled life.”

9.“Your dream may look impossible, but God said blessings will chase you down. Ask big. Take the limits off of God.”

10. “That setback may have been meant to stop you, but if you’ll stay in faith, God’s going to use it to increase you.”

11. “God is not as concerned about our comfort as He is our purpose. Sometimes He shakes things up to get us to our destiny.”

12. “Keep in mind that you’ll have true happiness, true fulfillment, not living to get but living to give.”

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