Monday, May 28, 2018

Reprogram Your Mind

Are There any viruses that are contaminating your computer? Are you allowing what people have spoken over you to hold you back? We can't stop the negative voices from speaking, but we can choose whether or not we're going to dwell on what they say. God has given each of us a delete button. 

 I talked with a man who was raised by a very negative father. His father was always putting him down, telling him what he couldn't become. Not surprisingly, this son, when he was in his twenties and even through his thirties, couldn't seem to ever get ahead. Life was always a struggle. He had a college degree, but he couldn't get a good job and couldn't keep a steady relationship. He told how his father's words were always playing in the back of his mind: "You'll never be successful. You don't have what it takes." Even when his father was on his deathbed, he looked at him and said, "Your brother never amounted to anything, and you won't either." Those were the last words he ever heard his father speak. For years he went around with a smoldering anger, feeling inferior, and all of that negativity acted like an anchor on his life. He wouldn't take a new position. He didn't feel qualified. He was too afraid. All these bondage were the result of the words that were spoken over him. We know the importance of a fathers' blessing, what weight that carries, but unfortunately some people don't receive that blessing. 

Related Article:  Learn To Hit The Delete Button

 One Day this man heard me talking about wrong mind-sets and making sure you don't have things that are holding you back. He realized that his father's words had become a stronghold in his mind. He started hitting the delete button, reprogramming his software. when he heard, "You don't have what it takes," he hit delete and said, " I'm equipped. I'm empowered. I'm well able." When he heard, "You'll never amount too anything," he hit delete and declared, " I will fulfill my destiny. I will become all that God has created me to be." 

 Today this gentleman is extremely successful and has a beautiful family. Everything changed when he started hitting the delete button. Maybe you are like and you didn't receive your earthly father's blessing. The Good news is that you have your Heavenly father's blessing. Almighty God is saying to you, " 

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